
850 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Postdoctoral Associate
Research Interests: Broad area of Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics and Interdisciplinary Applications
Sept. 2016-Dec. 2017 Postdoctoral Fellow - International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore, India
Jan. 2011-Aug. 2016 Ph.D. - Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India Advisor: Prof. Kavita Jain Thesis title: Critical Behavior of Jamming Transition in One-Dimensional Nonequilibrium Models
Sept.-Dec. 2010 Research Assistant - Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India: Advisor: Prof. Kavita Jain
Aug. 2008- Aug. 2010 M.Sc. (Physics) - Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
• Teaching Assistant: Mathematical Methods (2013) and Statistical Physics (2015)
• Reviewer: Physical Review E., Europhysics Letter
January, 2011 –May, 2011 Statistical Mechanics
Solid State Physics
August, 2011 –December, 2011 Advanced Statistical Mechanics
Mathematical Methods
Quantum Mechanics
• Research Fellowship, University Grants Commission (UGC), India from January, 2011 – December, 2015
• Qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), conducted by UGC –CSIR, India in 2010
• Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), India in 2010
• Qualified Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST), India in 2010
• Selected for Young Scientist Research Programme (2009), Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India
I am interested in the broad area of nonequilibrium statistical physics and its interdisciplinary applications. I studied one-dimensional nonequilibrium models like zero-range process, exclusion process, aggregation-chipping model etc. both numerically as well as analytically for my Ph.D. thesis. Specifically, I did detailed studies on the critical behaviour of the driven systems which show jamming/condensation transition. I also worked on understanding heat transport phenomena in the low-dimensional system mostly with 1D harmonic chain.
• 2015, November: Talked on “Critical dynamics of an exclusion process with hole-dependent rates” in JNCASR In-house Symposium, Bangalore, India.
• 2015, October: Attended “Non-equilibrium statistical physics”, International Centre for The-oretical Sciences (ICTS), Bangalore, India.
• 2015, February: Presented poster on “Two-point correlation function of an exclusion process with hole-dependent rates” in Indian Statistical Physics Community Meeting 2015, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
• 2014, February: Presented poster on “Steady state properties of an asymmetric exclusion process: Exact results and Asymptotics” in Indian Statistical Physics Community Meeting 2014, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
• 2013, November : Presented poster on “Slow quenching dynamics of an nonequilibrium System”, in JNCASR In-house Symposium, Bangalore, India.
• 2013, June: Presented poster on “Slow quenching dynamics of an nonequilibrium System”, in International Summer School on Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics XIII, Leuven,Belgium.
• 2013, March: Attended “4th RRI school on Statistical Physics”, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India.
• 2012, March: Attended “3rd RRI school on Statistical Physics”, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India.
• 2011, December: Attended “International Nonequilibrium Winter School”, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata, India. COMPUTER SKILLS
• Programming in FORTRAN, OpenMP (Open Multi–Processing), Julia
• Programming tools: Mathematica, MATLAB, LaTeX, Xmgrace, Gnuplot, R