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2018 CSB Sympsoium


The Center held their 3rd Annual Symposium on Wednesday, May 16 and Thursday, May 17, 2018 at the Hahn Hall North Auditorium, (130).

The event  featured keynote speakers Dr. Markus Deserno, Physics, Carnegie Mellona University; Dr. Nikolay Dokholyan, Biochemistry & Biophysics, UNC-Chapel Hill and Dr. Connie Roth, Physics, Emory University.

The event also showcases 13 presentations from different research groups within Virginia Tech, graduate and undergraduate students presented 37 posters and 100 participants.

A panel of faculty judges selected the outstanding posters and collaboration ideas, winners received their prizes during the symposium.

The mission of the center is to advance rapidly growing research areas of soft matter and biological physics.  

Opening speech was presented by Dean Sally Morton of College of Science

Welcoming speech was presented by Prof. Mark Pitt, Physics Department Head and Prof. Uwe C Tauber, Centers's Director