Royce Zia
Professor Emeritus

303A Robeson Hall (MC 0435)
850 W. Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
850 W. Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Ph.D. : Massachusettes Institute of Technology
Recent publications in the American Journal of Physics:
- NEXUS/Physics: An interdisciplinary repurposing of physics for biologists (2014)
- Making Sense of the Legendre Transform (2009)
- Watching a drunkard for 10 nights: A study of distributions of variances (2003)
- Getting more from pushing less: Negative specific heat and conductivity in nonequilibrium steady states (2002)
- "Weather" records: Musings on cold days after a long hot Indian summer (1999)
Field of Research : Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
- Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
- Phase transitions and critical phenomena; Renormalization group analysis
- Monte Carlo simulation techniques
- Stochastic differential equations and field theory
- Driven diffusive and Reaction-diffusion systems
- Applications to, e.g., microbiological systems, population dynamics, opinion formation, adaptive networks and climate science
"Nuggets" for the NSF:
- Many-body systems far from equilibrium (February 2009)
- 34th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (March 2009)
- Steady-states, fluctuations and dynamics of non equilibrium systems (June 2009)
- Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Fundamental Problems and Applications (July 2009)
- 1st Washington & Lee and Virginia Tech Research Symposium (June 2010)
- 4th KIAS Conference: Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Complex Systems (July 2010)
- Large Fluctuations in Non-Equilibrium Systems (July 2011)
- American Physical Society March Meeting (March 2012)
- 5th KIAS Conference: Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Complex Systems (July 2012)
- Statistical Mechanics in Low Dimensions (December 2012)
- 38th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (March 2013)
- MPIPKS-ASG on "Co-evolution: A proving ground for non-equilibrium statistical mechanics" (April-July 2013; September, 2014)
- Symposium in honor of Robert Swendsen and the Rahman Prize (April, 2014)
- Advances in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics... (May-June, 2014)
- Current Trends in Liquid Crystals: Symposium in honor of the 70th birthday of Peter Palffy-Muhoray (September, 2014)
- Percolation and the Glass Transition - Kinetically-Constrained Models, Bootstrap Percolation, Mixed-Order Phase Transitions, and Large Deviations (October, 2014)
- Houghton Conference on Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics (May, 2015)
- Interdisciplinary Applications of Statistical Physics (September, 2015)
- Conference on Complex Systems, CS-DC'15 World e-conference (October, 2015)
- Humboldt Colloquium, "Global Research in the 21st Century: Perspectives of the U.S. Humboldt Network" (March, 2017)
- Edward "Joe" Redish 75th Birthday Celebration & Golden Jubilee (March-April, 2017)
- Applied Statistical Physics (May, 2017)
- Correlations, Fluctuations and anomalous transport in systems far from equilibrium (Januray 2018)
- Visiting Professor, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, England
- Steering Committee of Statphys25
- Co-Organizer of Seminar/Wroskhop: Climate Fluctuations and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: an Interdisciplinary Dialogue MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany (July - August, 2017)