2020 Seminars
Fall 2020
These meetings occur on Mondays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Virtual Zoom Seminars (unless otherwise indicated)
Monday 4:00pm
Monday 4:00pm
Zoom Link
Ruslan Mukhamadiarov (Physics, Virginia Tech)
"Temperature interfaces in the Katz-Lebowitz-Spohn model"
We have explored a novel variant of the Katz-Lebowitz-Spohn (KLS) driven lattice gas, where the lattice is split into two regions that are coupled to heat baths with distinct temperatures. The hopping rates in two regions are governed by different temperatures T > Tc and Tc, respectively, where Tc indicates the critical temperature for phase ordering. The geometry of the two temperature regions can be arranged such that the temperature boundaries are oriented either perpendicular or parallel to the external particle drive and resulting net current. In the case when the temperature boundaries are oriented perpendicular to the drive, in the hotter region, the system behaves like the (totally) asymmetric exclusion processes (TASEP), and experiences particle blockage in front of the interface to the critical region. In analogy with (TASEP) systems containing“slow” bonds, we argue that transport in the high-temperature subsystem is impeded by the lower current in the cooler region, and that results in the particle density accumulation near the interface to the critical region. We observe the density profiles in both high- and low-temperature subsystems to be similar to the well-characterized coexistence and maximal-current phases in(TASEP) models with open boundary conditions, which are respectively governed by hyperbolic and trigonometric tangent functions. For our other work we arranged the geometry such that the temperature boundaries are oriented parallel to the external particle drive and resulting net current. We have explored the changes in the dynamical behavior that are induced by our choice of the hopping rates across the temperature boundaries.If these hopping rates at the interfaces satisfy particle-hole symmetry, the current difference across them generates a vector flow diagram akin to an infinite flat vortex sheet. We have studied the finite-size scaling of the density fluctuations in both temperature regions, and observed that it is controlled by the respective temperature values.
Host: Uwe Tauber
Monday 4:00pm
Zoom Link
Prof. Navid Ghaffarzadegan (Industrial & Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech)
"Systems sciences, behavioral complexities, and the challenge of dynamic modeling of the spread of covid-19"
Mathematical modeling is essential for understanding the spread of an infectious disease and developing proper policies to contain it. In the case of covid-19, however, we are dealing with a unique complex situation that requires revisiting conventional models and including several dynamic and behavioral mechanisms that are specific to this novel virus. To mention a few characteristics: 1) A large fraction of covid-19 patients are asymptomatic and undiagnosed, 2) the virus is novel thus it seems that almost all human population are susceptible, 3) there is a considerable delay between exposure to the virus and the symptom onset, 4) risks are high; the infected fatality rate is considerable, 5) test capacities and their accuracy are limited, and 6) public risk perception has been changing and it influences people's behavior. Therefore, from a systems science perspective, we are dealing with a complex system that is only partially observable with considerable delays and inaccuracy, and our observations are influencing the (human-side of the) system. To elaborate this point, I will offer three examples of my recent modeling efforts, in collaboration with several colleagues. First, I will offer an example of how the number of unknown cases of covid-19 can be estimated using a dynamic simulation model; second, I will report on a project to estimate the impact of weather on the transmission of the disease; and third, I will offer a model of estimating the spread of covid-19 in universities and optimal university-level policies to contain the disease. Finally I will reflect on these experiences from a systems science point of view and complexity theories.
Host: Uwe Tauber
Monday 4:00pm
Zoom Link
Dr. Tatiana Rostovtseva (National Institutes of Health)
"A mitochondrial throttle: lipid-mediated protein complexes at the mitochondrial surface"
Mitochondria are organelles found in virtually all eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria are not only “the powerhouse of the cell” but are also involved in multiple crucial cellular functions. Mitochondrial dysfunction plays a central role in a wide range of age-related disorders, neurodegenerations, and cancer. Mitochondria are composed of two membranes. The inner membrane plays a prominent role in power production via oxidative phosphorylation, while the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) acts as a “throttle”, controlling the access of metabolites to the inner membrane and thus the rate of energy production. A significant portion of the control functions is carried on by the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), a passive transport channel which allows water soluble metabolites and ions to cross MOM. Recent findings uncover an efficient regulatory mechanism of this channel through its interactions with cytosolic proteins. One such regulator is α-synuclein (αSyn), the intrinsically disordered neuronal protein highly expressed in nervous system and associated with Parkinson’s Disease pathology. αSyn is directly involved in mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegeneration. Probing the interactions of αSyn with VDAC nanopore by single-channel recordings we showed that αSyn induces transient blockages of the ionic current through the channel; identified as the insertion and escape of the unstructured charged C-terminal tail of αSyn into the channel in response to a transmembrane potential. The discovery of this novel regulatory mechanism of mitochondrial respiration has raised several fundamental biophysical questions, including a mechanism of αSyn transient blockage of the VDAC nanopore and translocation through it, and what role mitochondrial lipids assume in mediating the αSyn-VDAC interaction. In this talk, I will discuss of how we answer these questions by using a combination of single-molecule electrophysiology, theoretical modeling, and macroscopic biophysical studies of αSyn binding to planar and liposome membranes. The VDAC nanopore thus proves to be extremely sensitive single-molecule probe for peripheral membrane protein interaction with integral membrane proteins of mitochondria. This study could be important for the structure-inspired design of mitochondria-targeting agents.
Host: Rana Ashkar
Monday, 4:00pm
Zoom Link
Prof. Carla Finkielstein (Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at Virginia Tech Carilion)
Emerging opportunities in cancer chrono-therapy
Previously, cancer treatment modalities relied primarily on chemotherapeutic agents; nowadays, advances in rationally-designed drugs and targeted therapies have enabled the manipulation of cancer-specific molecules and cancer regulators that are frequently mutated and globally identified in various cancers. Regardless of the approach, the objective of controlling cancer progression has always been to attenuate, eliminate, or control then eomorphic activity of target driver mutations in tumors by maintaining steady levels of therapeutic agents. As precision medicine gains momentum, so does the possibility of customizing individual patients’ treatments to the “time-of-day” when tumor cells exhibit the highest susceptibility to therapeutics (1). However, a gap exists in our knowledge regarding the times at which therapeutically-targeted molecules are likely to be most susceptible to drugs and yield the greatest cellular effect. As a result, there is a need to unveil “when” and “where” druggable targets are in the cell and “to what extent” the tumor’s time-keeping system differs from normal tissue. Defining priorities that address those needs across the hierarchical system of organization will allow researchers to find the best time-windows where delivery of treatment modalities can be most effective.
Host: Uwe Tauber
Special Time
Monday 9:00 am
Zoom Link
Prof. Jiajia Zhou (Beihang University, Beijing,China)
"Onsager variational principle and its applications in soft matter systems"
Onsager principle is the variational principle proposed by Onsager in his celebrated paper on the reciprocal relation. The principle is useful not only in deriving many evolution equations in soft matter systems, it is also useful in solving such equations approximately. Three examples are discussed: the capillary filling and rising, the stratification in binary colloidal solutions, and the viscoelasticity of polymer solutions. These examples show that the method can give new perspectives of the essential dynamics in soft matter systems.
Host: Shengfeng Cheng
Monday 4:00pm
Zoom Link
Prof. Michael Bartlett (Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech)
“Multi-functional Soft Materials for Electronics and Adhesives”
Multi-functional soft materials and interfaces create intriguing new opportunities to enhance performance through programmable and adaptable properties. I will discuss two examples of this approach: 1) Novel material architectures of solid-liquid soft composites for soft machines and deformable, self-healing electronics, and 2) Switchable adhesives through programmable interfacial structures and stiffness. For soft composites, I will present an all-soft matter approach that combines soft elastomers with dispersions of liquid-phase eutectic Ga-In (EGaIn) metal alloy microdroplets. Experimental and theoretical investigations show that liquid metal droplets incorporated into elastomers enables exceptional combinations of soft elasticity and electrical and thermal properties with extreme toughness, autonomously self-healing circuits, and damage detection. I will then show how rigidity can be controlled through droplet architecture and composition. For switchable adhesives, I will present a framework for designing adhesives through kirigami, the Japanese art of paper cutting, and pneumatically controlled soft membranes. By incorporating kirigami-inspired structures at interfaces, we can enhance adhesive force by ∼100x across a spatially patterned sheet while tuning adhesion in different directions for high capacity yet easy release interfaces. We will also show how pneumatically controlled shape and rigidity tuning can be coupled to rapidly switch adhesion (≈0.1 s) across a wide range of programmable adhesion forces with measured switching ratios as high as 1300x. These approaches provide model systems to study fundamental material properties while enabling electronic skins, soft robots, and ‘smart’ adhesives for a variety of soft matter systems.
Host: Uwe Tauber
Monday 4:00pm
Zoom Link
Dr. James McClure (Research Computing, Virginia Tech)
"Modeling multi-phase flow and anomalous diffusion with mesoscopic methods"
Lattice Boltzmann methods provide a practical bridge between molecular- and continuum-scale models, relying on quasi-molecular interaction rules to simulate physics at significantly larger length and time scales compared to what is accessible from molecular dynamics. This talk will review approaches to develop mesoscopic models using the lattice Boltzmann method, with applications to wetting and spreading on heterogenous surfaces, fluid flow in porous media, and diffusion in electrochemical cells. Using simulation data, we consider how time-and-space averaging can be applied to understand scale effects in heterogeneous systems, particularly for long-wavelength fluctuations in non-equilibrium systems. Consequences for symmetry-breaking are explored within this context.
Host: Uwe Tauber
Monday 4:00pm
Zoom Link
Prof. Jonathon Boreyko (Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech)
"Winter Wonderland: How to Suspend, Levitate, and Launch Ice"
Ice may seem to be a nuisance in the wintertime, but it exhibits rich physical and electrical properties that candle light and amaze when properly exploited. Here we showcase three new types of ice phenomena. First, we’ll show that a substrate featuring frost-tipped pillars can be used to trap freezing rain atop the pillars in a low-adhesion state (Figure 1a). Second, we’ll boil ice cubes on a super heated surface, showing that above a critical temperature the ice can levitate in a three-phase stack (Figure 1b). Finally, we’ll show that holding a polar liquid above a growing frost sheet can result in an electric field that forcibly launches frost dendrites from their surface (Figure 1c). In addition to being fun and rich in fundamental physical insights, we suggest practical applications for these ice phenomena.
Host: Uwe Tauber
Spring 2020
"We regret that Center seminars, meetings, and all other in-person events needed to be cancelled as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic."
These meetings occur on Mondays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm in Robeson 304.
Refreshments are served before the seminars (unless otherwise indicated)
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
"No Seminar Martin Luther King Holiday"
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
Wednesday, 2:00pm
221 Kelly Hall
"Special Time and Date" (poster)
Dr. Mahdi Ghadiri (University of Alberta, Canada)
"Physical System Evolving on Time-Dependent Domains"
Despite the ubiquity of physical systems evolving on time-dependent spatial domains ranging from transport-reaction processes—crystal growth, metal casting, gas-liquid, and gas-solid reaction systems—to quantum particles in an expanding potential and formation of galaxies agglomeration in the expanding Universe, to name a few—understanding of their dynamical properties is still in a quite rudimentary state. In this talk, I will present a summary of my research focused on physical systems evolving on time-dependent domains. Using the synergy of our experimental and theoretical studies, the key differences in the dynamics between extended systems on time-fixed and time-dependent spatial domains will be explored. As a paradigm we have chosen to study Faraday patterns—standing waves formed when a fluid layer is vibrated vertically—on time-varying domain leading to a number of intriguing results. First, the observation of a transverse instabil-ity—namely, when a two-dimensional pattern experiences an instability in the direction orthogonal to the direction of the domain deformation—provides a new facet to the stability picture compared to the one-dimensional systems. Second, the domain deformation is not only able to transform the chaotic state of two competing modes into a regular (periodic) one, but also to isolate one of the competing modes in the regime. The latter navigated us to the discovery of controlling chaos using the spatial domain size.
Host: Prof. Nadir Kaplan
Monday, 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
"Special Seminar for Faculty Candidate"
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
"Special Seminar for Faculty Candidate"
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
"Special Seminar for Faculty Candidate"
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
"Tenure Track Physics Meeting" (No Seminar)
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
Joint Seminar with Condensed Matter
Prof. Irep Gözen (University of Oslo, Norway)
“Lipid Nanotubes: a possible route to primitive cell formation and growth”
Membrane-enclosed cellular compartments create spatially distinct microenvironments which confine and protect biochemical reactions in the cell. On the early Earth, the autonomous formation of compartments is presumed to have enabled encapsulation of nucleotides, satisfying a starting condition for the emergence of life. Recently, surfaces have become into focus as potential platforms for the self-assembly of prebiotic compartments, as notably enhanced vesicle formation was reported in the presence of solid interfaces. The detailed mechanism of such formation at the mesoscale however is still under discussion. I will describe the spontaneous transformation of lipid reservoirs on solid substrates to unilamellar membrane compartments through a sequence of topological changes, proceeding via a network of interconnected lipid nanotubes. We show that this transformation is entirely driven by surface-free energy minimization and does not require hydrolysis of organic molecules, or external stimuli such as electrical currents or mechanical agitation. The compartments grow by taking up the external fluid environment and can subsequently separate and migrate upon exposure to hydrodynamic flow. This may explain, for the first time, the details of self-directed transition from weakly organized bio amphiphile assemblies on solid surfaces to protocells with secluded internal contents.
Host: Prof. Nadir Kaplan
Monday, 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
Condensed Matter Seminar
No Seminar (Due to COVID-19)
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
Monday 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
Condensed Matter Seminar
Monday 4:00pm
Joint Seminar
Riya Nandi (Virginia Tech, Physics)
“Critical Aging Scaling Dynamics of Heisenberg Antiferromagnets”
Host: Uwe Tauber
304 Robeson Hall
Virtual Ceremony
"University Commencemenet" (Virtual Ceremony)
Host: University
Monday, 4:00pm
304 Robeson Hall
"No Seminar Semester has Ended"