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Michel Pleimling

  • Director Academy of Integrated Science
  • Fellow, American Physical Society
Academy of Integrated Science (MC 0563)
Hahn Hall South, Suite 2108, Virginia Tech
800 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
(540) 231-6073

Department of Physics (MC 0435)
221 Robeson Hall, Virginia Tech
850 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Director of the Academy of Integrated Science

Field of Research: Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Population Dynamics and Ecology, Soft/Bio Materials

The Pleimling Group



Academic Degree of Privatdozent


Academic Degree of Dr. rer. nat. habil.

Habilitation at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität

Erlangen-Nurnberg (Germany)

Title of the Habilitation thesis:

Critical phenomena in confined geometries


Prof. K. Binder (Mainz)

Prof. H. W. Diehl (Essen)

Prof. A. Hëller (Erlangen


Academic Degree of  Dr. rer. nat.

Ph.D degree received from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural

Sciences of the Universitat des Saarlandes (Germany)

Ph.D thesis: Beschreibung von modulierten Strukturen mit Hilfe von


(Description of modulatedstructures using double Ising spin models)

Advisor: Prof. Dr. R. Siems

Degree Magna Cum Laude


Diploma in physics (Dipl. Phys.) with the degree very good

at the Uni-versitat des Saarlandes (Germany)

Diploma thesis on LMTO mit erweitertem Basissatz:

Anwendungen auf oxydische Perowskite

(LMTO withan extended basis set: applications to oxide perovskites)

supervised by Priv.-Doz. Dr. K. H. Weyrich

1987 – 1991 Physics studies at the Universitat des Saarlandes



Certificat d’ ́etudes scientifiques at the Centre Universitaire de


1985 – 1986 Mathematics-Physics studies at the Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg


Baccalaureate (Diplˆome de fin d’ ́etudes secondaires)

1978 – 1985 Lyc ́ee Robert Schuman Luxembourg

Honors and Fellowships

2015 Fellow, American Physical Society

2012 Virginia Tech Favorite Faculty 2012 list

2011 Virginia Tech Faculty Authors Recognition 2011 list

2008 Virginia Tech Faculty Authors Recognition 2008 list

2002 Best Poster Award at the MECO-27 in Sopron/Hungary for the

Contribution Anisotropic scaling and generalized conformal invariance

2000-2001 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship

1992-1994 Ph.D Fellowship Landesgraduiertenstipendiat des


Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

Faculty: E. BarnesS. ChengS. EconomouK. ParkM. J. F. PleimlingV. ScarolaU. C. Täuber 
Emeritus Faculty: R. K. P. Zia

Affiliate Faculty: James Hanna; Sunny Jung


Research Interests

  • Out-of-equilibrium dynamical behavior of complex systems: aging phenomena and dynamical scaling
  • Critical phenomena in confined geometries
  • Microcanonical analysis of small systems

Please see link for a list of publications


1) Non-equilibrium relaxation and aging scaling of driven topological defects in condensed matter

(with Uwe C. Tauber, Physics, Virginia Tech)

Funded by the Department of Energy (DE-FG02-09ER46613) from August 15, 2015, until August 14, 2018.

Amount of funding: $ 450,000

2) MATH: EAGER - Building a mathematical toolkit and motivation for success in the physical and quantitative sciences

(with Jill Sible, Biological Sciences, and Megan Wawro, Mathematics, Virginia Tech) Funded by the National Science Foundation (DUE-1544225), from

August 15, 2015, until August 14, 2017.

Amount of funding: $ 296,996

3) STIR: Toward control of universal scaling in critical dynamics (with Uwe C. Tauber,

Physics, and Dan Stilwell, ECE, Virginia Tech)

Funded by the Army Research Office, Engineering Sciences, from May 15, 2015, until November 14, 2015.

Amount of funding: $ 41,802

4) Transient and Steady-state Properties far from Equilibrium

Funded by the National Science Foundation (DMR-1205309) from September 1, 2012, until August 31, 2016.

Amount of funding: $ 300,000

5) Non-equilibrium Relaxation and Aging Scaling of Magnetic Flux Lines in Disordered Type-II Superconductors

(with Uwe C. Tauber, Physics, Virginia Tech)

Funded by the Department of Energy (DE-FG02-09ER46613) from August 15, 2012, until August 14, 2015.

Amount of funding: $ 450,000

6) Using the Generalized Langevin Equation Formalism to Reconstruct Nonlinear Dynamic Equations from Time Series Data

(with Jianhua Xing, Biology, Virginia Tech)

Funded by Virginia Tech’s Institute for Critical Technology and Applie

d Science from July 1, 2012, until June 30, 2013.

Amount of funding: $ 60,000

7) Relaxation and Aging Processes out of Equilibrium

Funded by the National Science Foundation (DMR-0904999) from August 1, 2009, until July 31, 2013.

Amount of funding: $ 270,000

8) Driven Magnetic Flux Lines in Disordered Superconductors: Relaxation Towards Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Stationary States

(with Uwe C. Tauber, Physics, VirginiaTech)

Funded by the Department of Energy (DE-FG02-09ER46613) from August 15, 2009, until August 14, 2012.

Amount of funding: $ 450,000

9) Complexity in Materials far from Equilibrium, Conference, May 14-16,2008, Blacksburg, VA

(with Uwe C. Tauber, Physics, Virginia Tech)

Funded by the National Science Foundation (DMR-0757181) from May 1, 2008, until April 30, 2009

Amount of funding: $ 5,200

10) Dynamik und Alterungsph anomene in Nichtgleichgewichtsphasenubergangen (Dynamical

behavior and aging phenomena in nonequilibrium phase transitions)

Funded by the Deutscher Akademischer Auslandsdienst (PROCOPE) in 2006 and 2007.

Amount of funding: 6474 EUR

11) Aging and the Glass Transition

(with Malte Henkel, Universit ́e Nancy)

Funded by the Universit ́e Franco-Allemande in 2005.

Amount of funding: 18450 EUR

12) Alterungsphanomene und dynamisches Skalenverhalten in Systemen fern vom

Gleichgewicht (aging phenomena and dynamical scaling in systems far from equilibrium)

Funded by the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (project PL323/2) 2004-2007.

Amount of funding: 105758 EUR

13) Lokales Skalenverhalten in Phasenubergangen fern vom Gleichgewicht (local scale

invariance in nonequilibrium phase transitions)

Funded by the Bayerisch-Franz̈osisches Hochschulzentrum from August 2002 until July 2005.

Amount of funding: 6745 EUR

14)Applicability of conformal invariance to nonequilibrium phase transitions

Funded by the European Commission from September 2000 until August 2001.

Amount of funding: 26754.48 EU

Summer Schools, Workshops, Conferences, ...

I am organizer of various summer schools, workshops and conferences:

  1. Summer School Ageing and the Glass Transition (Luxembourg, September 18-24, 2005)

  2. funded by the Université Franco-Allemande and the Université of Luxembourg

    conference proceedings:

    Statistical Physics of Ageing Phenomena and the Glass Transition
    University of Luxembourg, 18-24 September 2005
    Journal of Physics Conference Series, Volume 40
    Edited by Malte Henkel, Michel Pleimling, and Roland Sanctuary
    lecture notes:

    Ageing and the Glass Transition
    Lecture Notes in Physics, Volume 716
    Edited by Malte Henkel, Michel Pleimling, and Roland Sanctuary
    • Hardcover: 350 pages
    • Publisher: Springer (June 3, 2007)
    • ISBN: 978-3540696834



  3. Focus Session Models and Materials far from Equilibrium (APS March Meeting 2008, New Orleans, LA, March 10-14, 2008)

  5. International Symposium Complexity in Materials far from Equilibrium (Blacksburg, VA, May 14-16, 2008)

  6. funded by the National Science Foundation (DMR-0757181), Sowers Foundation and Virginia Tech

    NSF highlight (powerpoint): Complexity in Materials far from Equilibrium

  7. Seminar Many-Body Systems far from Equilibrium: Fluctuations, Slow Dynamics and Long-Range Interactions (Dresden, Germany, February 16-27, 2009)

  8. funded by the Max-Planck Insitut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden (Germany)

  9. Focus Session Systems far from Equilibrium II (APS March Meeting 2009, Pittsburgh, PA, March 16-20, 2009)

  10. 2009 Boulder Summer School in Condensed Matter and Material Physics - Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Fundamental Problems and Applications (Boulder, CO, July 6-24, 2009)

    videos of the presentations can be found here

  11. International Symposium Complex Driven Systems - from Statistical Physics to the Life Sciences (Blacksburg, VA, October 1-3, 2010)

  12. funded by the National Science Foundation, VT College of Science, VT Department of Physics, and the VT Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science

  13. International Seminar Large Fluctuations in Non-Equilibrium Systems (Dresden, Germany, July 4-15, 2011)

  14. funded by the Max-Planck Insitut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden (Germany)

  15. 2nd Washington & Lee - Virginia Tech Research Symposium (Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, July 26, 2011)

  16. The 78th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society (Virginia Tech, Roanoke, VA, October 19-22, 2011)

  17. Focus Sessions Stochastic Population Dynamics I: Cyclic Competition and Population Stability and Stochastic Population Dynamics II: Games and Spatial Dynamics (APS March Meeting 2012, Boston, MA, February 27 - March 2, 2012)

  18. Focus Sessions Population and Evolutionary Dynamics I and Population and Evolutionary Dynamics II (APS March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, MD, March 18-22, 2013)

  19. International Seminar Small Systems far from Equilibrium: Order, Correlations, and Fluctuations (Dresden, Germany, October 14-18, 2013)

  20. funded by the Max-Planck Insitut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden (Germany)